Class & Learning Management Systen


A large private school serving a diverse student body faced challenges in being effectively able to track the academic progress of their students. They needed a dependable and user-friendly Learning Management System to monitor students’ book scores, test results, and overall performance. Their current system used Excel and was time-consuming, prone to errors, and lacked the reporting needed for effective educational oversight.


  • Entering attendance, book, and test scores in Excel was time-consuming and was easy to make mistakes.
  • There was no reporting tool for teachers and key stakeholders to assess the current state of classes and individual student performance.
  • Insufficient ability for instructors to effectively manage their classes and student performance.


Significant reduction in the time instructors spent on entering student data, giving them more time for teaching and engaging with students.

Real-time insights into student performance, enabling more informed and timely educational interventions.

Instructors can now manage their classes and students more effectively, with the flexibility to scale and adapt to future changes or growth.


To address these challenges, Axcend developed a customized Learning Management System to provide: 

  • Classroom Management Solution: Enables easy data entry for attendance and test scores, offering a streamlined interface for managing classes and students. This significantly improves the accuracy of student data and saves time for instructors. 
  • Classroom Reporting: On-demand reporting provides quick insights for teachers and key stakeholders. These reports provide a visualization of class and individual student performance, allowing instructors to make real-time adjustments. 


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“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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