Our Work

Resource Forecast

Our Discovery

Through our discovery process with a technical consulting company, we found this particular organization was struggling to find an effective way to allocate and forecast work for there delivery team. This delivery team had been operating on a day to day basis using manual processes to understand how much upcoming work they had.

Being able to track this information was increasingly difficult as the company scaled. There was no single source of truth of all task and workload related information. Without this information, the company was struggling to scale as the managers had too many daily tasks of keeping up with the business.

Key Challenges

  • There was a lack of visibility of how much work was coming up impacting hiring timelines
  • The management team was unable to quickly determine current workload for a given team member
  • When adding tasks, it was difficult to understand how busy a team member was for the current day/week
  • Re-assigning tasks to other team members often lead to overburdening team members with tasks

Our Results

Increased employee satisfaction by not continually overburdening employees with tasks and creating a consistent flow of work

Enabled smoother workflow with customers and team members by having workload visibility for more than 3+ weeks in advance

Promoted better hiring decisions by providing visibility on hiring windows

Our Solution

In order to give control and visibility back to the managers, Axcend developed a forecasting tool to help the delivery team clearly map out the current workload and tasks assigned to each employee. Managers are able to easily:

  • View workload hotspots: Quickly identify if employees are overburdened and where work can be assigned
  • Make quick adjustments: Using a drop down functionality, easily move or assign work to different people.
  • Reallocate existing tasks: Relieve overburdened employees by assigning tasks to employees that can have openings (tricky- assign to)

Now managers had a quick and easy way to control the amount of work placed on their team members. On top of keeping employees from being overworked, this tool enabled the management team to make better hiring decisions. Instead of reacting to immediate demand, the organization was able to see shortages well in advance and begin the hiring process sooner.


Microsoft Azure
ms-Power Bi1

“Focus on being productive instead of busy”

Tim Ferris

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